
On this page you can find out everything about the components that are included in our product. Find out how to use them correctly and what you can expect if you choose our product.

It is a pioneering product that aims to provide people with the largest mobile app UI kit Figma Library. The big benefit is to be able to create app designs in just a few minutes and save both time and money in the design process.

We continue to work on new features and updates until we reach our goal.


Most of us share similar definitions for common UI patterns like accordion, checkbox, combobox, dialog, dropdown, select, slider, and tooltip.

However, the implementations provided to us by app platforms are inadequate. They're either non-existent, lacking in functionality, or cannot be customized sufficiently.

So, developers are forced to build custom components; an incredibly difficult task. As a result, most components at apps are inaccessible, non-performant, and lacking important features.

Our goal is to create a component library that the community can use to build accessible design systems.

Key Features


We handle many of the difficult implementation details related to accessibility, including aria and role attributes, focus management, and keyboard navigation.

Mobile optimized

Our component library is specially optimized for mobile devices. Most UI kits on the market offer web based components. However, for mobile development you need special components with special requirements that work well on mobile devices.

Native and hybrid app development

In addition to a Figma file, we also offer code files with all components. In addition to a Swift file that can be used to develop native iOS apps, we offer an Android file for native Android development and a React native file for hybrid app development. This means it no longer matters which programming language you use to build your next app. You will receive all the files you need.

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